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What are the university students not doing?

 Journal of Thoughts

Journal #2

What are the university students not doing?

As a final year student who is waiting for graduation day, I believe there have been things that my peers have been doing wrong all these years. It is not debatable that the aim of most people who frequent university courses do so in order to acquire a degree before starting a career. However, I believe there should be more objectives to be aimed for.  Here are several benefits that I believe most students have tendencies to overlook:

1.     Linking with peers

More often than not, university students tend to individually focus on themselves, as the main aim is to acquire a degree, yet I do think that the students should be able to compete and cooperate during the terms in order to strengthen the bonds. By creating connections or bonds with like-minded people who undergo the same situations with one’s self, one will be able to start up a stronger career once the decision of settling for a career is made. A strong friendship from the beginning of college years can help improve links in the desired fields of work, which in term can provide easier cooperations between institutions or companies, in case of having familiar faces in the competing companies.


2.    Ability to experience “small jobs”

There are times when a full-time course will benefit a person, but a part-time course provides the ability for one to test the depths of waters of the work life. Students should invest their time learning through scholarly materials and also learning through professional experiences. It should not matter what field of work they work, they should be able to find a chance for them to apply their field of expertise in a field that may appear to be remotely related, this teaches the ability to market their abilities. These small jobs should also be able to provide links and accesses to different areas that may require the service of people in the students’ field of study. Moreover, there are companies which favor experience more than the G.P.A., since it proves the possession of knowledge that a freshly graduated student with no experience lack.


3.     Ability to acquire academic recognition

Students tend to focus solely on passing the subjects and acquiring their diploma, which is not an issue. However, there are cases where students are able to provide their aid in academic programs within the university. By providing aid towards activities such as researches, for instance, might be out of reach for most students, yet it is possible, regardless of the voluntary nature of this idea. By constantly providing aids in such programs, students should be able to achieve some sort of academic recognition that is not only effective within the university that they study, but also effective in different institutions. This, can generate a certain level of respect and admiration from different institutions.


4.      Befriending professors

Students are either too timid to approach their professors personally, or they do not even bother thinking about talking to their professors. In creating a certain bond with professors, students are able to understand their speech pattern and behaviors, which makes understanding the lectures easier than just listening to a stranger talking. By having a good rapport with professors, students shall not be afraid to question their lectures and challenge their doubts in order to clarify any lecture. Through such action, learning becomes a conversation and not just a listening activity. Professors are also more likely to refer students to different institutions before or after students graduate if they have built enough trust, which is not attainable solely through academic relationship.

5. Writing a Journal of Thoughts

With the availability of internet, the world has become accessible to anyone with a smartphone or a computer. Students should be able to publish their thoughts online through a forum, a blog, or a Facebook post. This shall aid the students in being able to reformulate the thoughts they acquire during lectures, which in turn shall also provide a platform for others to comment and share their thoughts on the posted subject matters. This creates a learning environment that functions through conversations and sharing, which I deem to be more effective. It provokes the peers who stumble upon these posts to challenge any contrasting scientific ideas. Regardless of the ideas appearing as ridiculous or biased as they are, this method still provides a platform for students to study productively.

With all of this said, it is all based on my personal experience, I do not consider these words as words of wisdom, nor do I consider them truth. However, I hope these thoughts can be helpful to anybody who reads this post.


-          MCS



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