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Journal #1

Are spirits entities or projections of hallucinations?

At times, I do want to believe the explanation of spirits being mere projections of hallucinations. However, I do hold a certain faith that they are beyond mental projections of paranoia. I believe that they are entities that coexist with the flesh and bones.

The idea of the existence of different planes of existence, different dimensions is not a matter of true or false anymore, we do live in a multidimensional realm, being the three-dimensional realm. But does that not mean that we are also in a part of a four dimensional and five dimensional realms?

I mean, are ghosts not timeless, if we consider them being projections of past humans who have died? Factoring also the fact that they transcend time?

There is no denying the fact that the human psyche is a possible factor to certain apparitions, as there is a chance of the human mind projecting visions of bodies from retrieved memories concealed by the subconsciousness, invading the superficial senses as sight and hearing. I do believe that the human mind is able to project memories, that, though may not be faithful to the original ones through corruption of time and emotional biases. However, do these cases apply to apparitions of the unknown entities, whom who may not have met before? There is a chance that these images may take form from the shards of description given and taken from the community around the certain haunting spots, and perhaps the fuel to these visual projections come from fear and paranoia, and the human need to be safe when in solitude.

Being raised in a superstitious family, I do not refute the existence of beings from different planes. If I am allowed to paint my point with an analogy, I will say that, we are living in a television screen, being seen by an entity that controls us, think of us being characters in a video game, unaware of being controlled by an entity facing the screen. Ghosts or spirits may just be corrupted sprites in the video game of life, they may be entities that are no longer of physical use in the storyline, and were removed from the plane of existence, or at least visually. I do believe they lurk somewhere in another dimension, close to ours, and may trespass due to errors in the system. They may be conjured by the abundance of fear, memories suppressed, or commonalities with the apparitions witnesses, all I am implying is the fact that they may be summoned from mental energies, that lay deep in our subconsciousness, perhaps by paranoia fueled fear, or memories of a certain sight, of a certain individual who have died, or perhaps by similarities in mental and emotional states and purpose, creating a sort of a bridge that sparks the connection between the spirit of the dead and the alive.

Moreover, I do want to add an observation that I have had in a while. I do believe that electricity weakens the power of these spirits. Can this explain how hauntings happen in a site with either minimal or no electric lights, power and technology? As I recall, there were many paranormal activities that happened in my childhood, especially in the events of blackouts. Back then, there were not many residential buildings around, not many populations in my village, not many electric posts, no complicated electric connections in the road. However, I do admit, nostalgia is often tampered by biases and lack of mature perception of life, especially, in regards to childhood memories, and solely regard this statement as partially plausible.

In short, all these paragraphs written are nothing but my mere flow of thoughts regarding the paranormal and what they are, and how they appear. I do know that this journal is filled with more questions than answers, it is, perhaps, due to my need to also accumulate ideas and experiences of other, thus, if you read this, please, hesitate not to share yours!


-          MCSTLS

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